10 Reviewers I Like

Hello, Spongey here.

It’s no secret that the YouTube landscape is pretty crazy these days. At this point you know of all the dumb things the higher ups do that sometimes screw over their users.

Not to mention the bad things some of the bigger content creators have done. But again, you all know about that. It seems like you always hear about the latest bad thing this big creator did.

Sometimes it’s very much warranted but other times I feel like people get too whiny. I get that negativity is fun and at all, but it can be too much. Especially since it gets a bit hypocritical if one of your main complaints with certain people is how negative they are.

At the start of the year, following the Logan Paul stuff people tried to start this whole #BetterYouTube2018 thing which was pretty cool. Why can’t we go back tothat?

But enough negativity. I feel like instead of always tearing down things we hate, we should build up things we love. And that’s what I want to do today.

There’s a lot of wonderful reviewers out there, that I feel deserve more attention. Some are smaller ones, some are kinda popular but still could use some praise.

That’s what this is all about. I actually tried doing this all the way back in 2014 or so but just never really finished it. Now I feel it’s even more important to do it than ever, so here we are.

I have no real rules for this, just that I won’t put people so popular you already know enough about them.

Also, this was one of the harder lists I’ve done in a while, so if you’re favorite isn’t on here, I will likely do this again next year so hopefully they can make it there.

With that said, let’s look at some reviewers I think are worth you’re viewership.

This, is 10 Reviewers I Like

(Oh and this won’t be numbered since it’s hard to truly rank them. You already know there are 10, and hopefully you can count better than I can)

Confused Mathew:


This one might be a bit more perplexing than the others, hence why he’s at the bottom. Chances are you have heard of him because he’s been fairly…divisive, especially several years back.

Early on he was known for his scathing reviews of a few beloved movies like The Lion King that plenty of people thought were pretty unfair. And yeah, I was with them.

He’s mostly not the kind of reviewer I like. He was the kind to pride themselves on deep analysis which was code for looking way too deep or just fancy nitpicking.

So what is he doing on here? Two words: “Character” development.

He’s one of the very few divisive reviewers to actually listen to criticism and actually grow as a reviewer. This mostly happened within the last couple years, where he realized some of the problems with his attitude and the way he sometimes did his reviews.

He even re-did that Lion King review and made it into something that I still disagreed with ,but is still not too bad and is actually fair when it needs to be.

He was critical and was able to dive dep into why something is good or bad but he got a better attitude about it. This is a bit more evident if you follow him on Facebook where he’s gone into detail on how he’s changed and all that.

The biggest example of this would be his attitude to the MCU. Early on his he was really against it and even did this big video all about how much they suck.

But in the last couple years, he’s change his mind to the point where he wanted to do a video about how much he was wrong in places. He still wouldn’t call himself a fan but he does see the appeal and has liked or even loved some of their more recent ones, and has started to like a few he previously disliked.

It’s really nice to see someone realizing their faults and growing as a person, it’s something I can very much relate to.

Taking that aside, he still had some good reviews back then tat were able to into why something fails, and I really liked his Matthew’s Favorite Movies series since it gave us some positivity.

Sadly, he recently retired from the whole video reviewing thing due to personal reasons. You can still find him chatting on Facebook though, and his brother does his own reviews and his voice is so creepily like Matthew’s that eh, it’s close enough.

While I do like his work now, the main reason he’s on here is his growth. It’s sadly common for people to just never listen to criticism and keep doing what they were doing and get worse.

Confused Matthew on the other hand managed to change his attitude and actually learn from his mistakes. Reviewers I am mixed on don’t usually do this, so it’s really great that Matthew did.

I wouldn’t call him one of my favorites on his own, but he gives us a good example of how someone with a mixed reputation can grow as a reviewer, regardless of how you feel about their work overall.

Overall, Confused Matthew has been a mixed bag but his growth manages to give people a pretty good example.

The Bookworm/Krimson Rogue:



Yep, we’ve got a tie. There’s a couple on here and the reason for this one is that both of these guys technically cover a subject matter that isn’t usually discussed online: Books!

Well, the former does it more directly so we’ll talk about him first. His series is pretty straight forward: He reviews books in a fairly straight forward way. But that’s a good thing since he gets to the points and goes over why it’s good or bad.

He’s got energy and some decent humor, which makes him fun, if a bit overbearing at times. I first discovered him through his yearly coverage of Goosebumps, because of course I did.

Every October he’d cover one a day until he eventually did all of the original series, and recently he’s moved on to Fear Street. Those reviews were pretty good, as I think he was decently fair to them.

He also has a few more personal reviews like his one of Waterways, which tend to be pretty nice. And of course there’s been a few bad/weird books like Flowers in the Attic that lead to some fun reviews.

Aside from maybe being a tad too over the top at the times, my only other complaint is his recent use of clickbait titles that EMPHASIZE random words. But that’s more of a personal issue I suppose.

As for Krimson, his series, The Book Was Better, looks at movies based on books. From the title seems like he’d only do bad adaptations. He mostly does but he has looked at some good movies, or ones where he thinks the movie is a tad better.

Don’t have as much to say for him. His reviews are generally pretty solid with good humor and critiquing. He rates both the book and movie at the end, and judges the movie on it’s own too.

I think he might be the only person to prefer the movie of The Seeker. That isn’t saying a lot but…

He also does quick reviews where at books he’s read recently, so if you want him just looking at books, there you go.

Of the two, I like Krimson a bit more because of the way he looks at his subject and how enjoyable he is. But I like them both quite a bit. They both look at their subjects pretty well.

I should mention The Dom also exists and is good, but breaks my “too popular” rule so he’s not official on here, but he’s good too.

Overall, both of these reviewers look at a subject not too many tackle and do it really well. If you like books and/or their adaptation, both of these guys cover them well and are worth checking out.

Oh and Bookworm does requests (Not sure if he still does) and did mine once, and my name is in that video. …So that’s cool. (It was Morganville Vampires, by the way).

…Yeah, both are good, that is all.



I was going to lump him in with the book reviewers but that’s only a part of what he does and his other stuff has enough to it that made him worthy of his own slot. Also a 3 way tie would be awkward.

He’s been getting decent popularity lately thanks to being featured on The A.V. Club, so he’s already getting some great new traffic.

He talks about a few different things but it’s mostly TV and Books. For books, he’s got a series that looks at Miscellaneous Books, as well as some done via Patreon Request.

But one big thing he was known was his look at Animorphs. As someone who hadn’t read that series, it was cool to see it being explored and he showed me how solid that series seems to be.

But yes, I also dig his Goosebumps reviews. At first he did yearly reviews that were voted on but now he does theme monthly, and Are You Afraid of the Dark gets the yearly reviews.

He’s on the harsher side (possibly a bit more so than Troy at times) but I still generally enjoy them since he makes good points. The most notable thing about the Animorphs and Goosebumps reviews is that they are some of the few Scene by Scene Book Reviews I’ve seen, at least in video form.

It hadn’t really been done for obvious reasons and he manages to do it well, all without showing his face.

And of course there’s Nick Knacks, the series that’s really making him popular. To the point where I feel like hipster for following for years beforehand. This project is looking at every single Nickelodeon show.

And I do mean every single one. Every single program they’ve aired since 1979, be it made directly by them or not. …It’s going to be a long one and it’s already proved to be really good.

This series is mostly about information and I’ve learned quite a lot about Nick’s really early days. There’s way more to them then the 90’s stuff, trust me.

He’s one of the better reviewers when it comes to information, actually. Nick Knacks is the perfect example with all the research he has to do.

I will admit I’ve disagreed with him a fair bit due to how critical he is, but he generally does a good job at reviewing the subject regardless of how much I agree. There’s perhaps a few moments of him looking too deep but it happens to the best of us I suppose.

I like reviewers who can do different types of subjects really well, and Poparena is overall a good example. Not exactly a huge variety but still. He’s clearly a pretty smart guy and his reviews showcase this, along with some decent humor as well.

So yeah, him being a solid book reviewer is enough to make him worth a look but his other series help make him …really worth a look! Yeah, I’m just rambling now, there’s not much else to say.

I swear we’re done with book people, even if you should all read more.

(Also, he interviewed Ron Oliver once. Nice)

Critiquing the Critics:


Here’s one you should be somewhat familiar with. I intimated him once and also he filmed a little thing for me once. Which was pretty amazing, by the way.

But taking that aside, he’s pretty good. His shtick seems a bit odd but it was actually a somewhat popular thing to do awhile back. Maybe it still is, but it was more popular sometime ago.

(I was gonna edit this because I remembered the Reviewer Reviewer, who I like, but doing it this way is funnier, meh)

As you can see, there’s a lot of reviewers out there so it can be hard to find some good ones, so it might be helpful to have someone to review the reviewers so you can see which ones you might like.

And also the idea is just funny. There have been reviewer reviewers but Martial Horror was always my favorite. The main reason is that he’s indeed critical but overall pretty fair and he rarely full on slams a reviewer.

And even then he has good reasons for doing so. Even ones he’s not crazy about, he find some positives or he’ll see others might be more into that reviewer.

He also is very self-aware about his flaws, so he has even more self-deprecation jokes than I do. I think watching his videos rubbed off on me at some point.

It can be a bit much at times but it shows he’s aware that the concept he choose is a bit odd. He also did video reviews of his own which are solid, as well as a bunch of written reviews that were also Vlogs.

Those showed he was a solid movie reviewer as well as a decent critic of critics. His presentation is a bit on the crude side but for the most part that adds a certain charm and his writing is able to make up for up. (Also, the editing and such did get better over time).

Sadly he retired from video reviews last year (as detailed in the first video you see on his page, so no need for a link to the exact video, it covers his growth pretty well), but he still does some written reviews on his website and some first impressions of current movies over on Facebook.

So he’s thankfully still around in some way.

But even with his review-tirement, he proved himself to pretty solid, fair and pretty funny too. The fact that I got into watching his vlogs as much as his actual videos is a testament to how much I enjoyed him.

But it is his main series that made him famous and he stood out for how he was always fair while still being critical.

Overall, Martial Horror is a pretty solid guy with some solid pretty solid reviews. Plus, because of him I found Dead Sushi aka True Art. That alone has to count for something.

Cinematic Excrement:


This section should be shorter since this reviewer is the most basic out of the ones on this list. That’s not a bad thing at all though.

The Smeghead as he’s called does scene by scene reviews of bad movies. That’s about it, nothing more complicated than that, But despite using a pretty typical formula, he manages to put his own spin on it.

He has his own style humor and running gags, that makes him somewhat stick out from the crowd of NC Wannabes. He can also provide some decent analysis, especially in later videos.

Speaking of later videos, I do like that some of his recent videos don’t quite do the full scene by scene thing. He’ll start by generally going over the premise and various flaws, and then eventually gets into covering things in order.

He also does VLOGS of recent movies, band est/worst of the year lists. These further show that he’s grown to be a pretty decent critic.

His early work was as rough as you may expect, and has the usual aspects that haven’t aged, but even back then he wasn’t TOO bad and of course only got better.

I haven’t been saying my favorite review for some of the others on here but I want to mention his review of The Host. It has a sort of story where an alien gets inside his head, just like in the movie.

It could have been cringey, but it ends up pretty funny…but also kind of sweet. That sounds strange, but it is. Kinda wish the alien voice came back someday but ah well.

And …yeah, that’s all I got. He’s fairly basic but pretty good and one of the few people still using the Caustic Critic formula that does it quite well.

Overall, Cinematic Excrement is a pretty sold take on an old formula that’s pretty enjoyable.

Certain Cartoon Reviewers:

And a bet a bunch of people just clicked off. Yeah, Cartoon Reviewers have a bad rap these days due to their distaste of certain people and trends that they started.

There are some not so good cartoon reviewers and a few aspects of them I’m not so fond of. I’ve fallen to them at times but I like to think I’m growing out of it.

But there are indeed some good ones, that are fair, smart and funny. I couldn’t pick just one so here’s a group of a few I enjoy. This will cover both reviewers who mostly cover Animated Series and some that do mainly movies. So let’s go!

(Didn’t feel like gathering all the links so eh, look them up yourselves)

The Cartoon Hero: I could have given him his own section but given he’s argubly one of the most well known of the Non CA people, I think he breaks my popularity rule so I’ll mention him here. Possible bias aside, he’s pretty good and is another example of how a review can grow, starting as another NC clone and later becoming his own thing.

Pieguyrulz: Another fairly well known one but I had to include him here since he’s that good. He’s an example of a pretty fair critic who can be pretty funny. At this point he mostly talks about the same topics, but he does them well so it’s not a big deal for me.

Cosmodore: A relative newcomer, I mostly like him for his personality, as he’s pretty funny. Can’t really describe why, he’s just enjoyable. Even if his video titles are getting a bit clickbait-y now. Also, I like his accent.

(UPDATE: …So is a first for me. I have to denounce someone I recommended as it is recently come to light that he had been dating a minor. It’s sort of a long story but that’s a short version. I don’t know to say other than yeah, that’s bad and I absolutely must drop my recommendation. It’s not like he got a full section or that I directly associated with him but I just want people to know I am aware of his actions and do not stand by him. That is all)

Cellspex: She covers current animated films for the most part, and does a pretty solid job at. She can be critical but I usually see where she’s coming from. Also, she’s somehow the only woman on this entire list. Whoops.

The One and Only CR Martin: I just like his chill attitude. Plus he praises Gumball alot.

Shadowstreak: He mostly focuses on the Powerpuff Girls reboot which seems odd but he’s able to be decently fair despite it’s problems , and he has branched out to other shows pretty well.

Jem Reviews: He covers certain episodes but I mostly like his Best/Worst Episode lists. He does a good job explaining why it belongs there and there’s some decent variety. He also reviews whole seasons of some shows and does that well too.

Nicktendo: Unlike some of the others, he doesn’t do videos on specific episodes that often, he mostly reviews entire shows, along with a few lists here and there. I find him to be pretty funny on top of being a decent critic so he’s up there for me

So there you go, proof that cartoon reviewers can indeed be pretty good. They have problems here and there like everyone does but in general all of these people are solid critics, and also good people.

There’s others but these are just my favorites, as well as the ones I had things to say about. Maybe next time I can look at others but for now, these people are all worth a look. I think at least one will be to your liking.

The Real Jims:


And we complete the trilogy of people I’ve given subtle shout outs during my projects. (Poparena and Cellspex were the others, if you’re wondering).

This is another simple one and he’s especially good.. His main series has him reviewing Simpsons episode in 60 seconds, although he also “Extra Seconds” so he go on a bit longer about the episode.

Those are pretty good, as they show off solid humor as well as good reviewing. There’s also a series for looking at various mysteries in The Simpsons, and one that goes into certain characters.

Oh and also one where he compares certain episodes to each other. He does a fair few things revolving around Simpsons.

But the series that really made me like him is Pixar Perfect, where he reviews every Pixar movie, and also ranks them.

He does a really good job going into the movies and their pros and cons. They really made me appreciate some of these movies even more and also they bring up some small issues I didn’t notice before, even fi I don’t always agree of course.

He also has a really good editing style. He talks over images but he uses …quite a few of them so there’s always something on-screen and he’s funny and quick enough to make even longer videos fly by.

This is another reviewer that I don’t think I can say too much about. He’s just really enjoyable with good critiquing, good humor, and good editing. When a reviewer is just really solid at everything they do, it’s hard to go into detail.

The point is, he’s really good and is high on the You Gotta Check Him Out list.

That is all.



One of the points of this list to show examples of good channels to counteract some of the bad, or negative ones. This one is the perfect example of that.

You are all most likely familiar with Cinema Sins, I’ve referenced them in the past. Everyone has their opinions on them and since one thing I like Cinema Wins is that they don’t outright bash CS, I’ll do the same and stay somewhat neutral in this section.

Regardless of how you feel about them, it’s nice that we have someone is basically the Ying to their Yang.

A couple of people had tried this idea before, although the ones I know of did Sins as well. I was going to include them as well but I think the two ties we had was enough. They’ll get in next time though.

Early on, Cinema Wins was a tad rocky as they mostly stuck with really recent movies that were disliked and primarily made jokes instead of really explaining why the movie was good/not that bad.

There was a bit of that and he thankfully started going into more detail later on. It was around when he did Man of Steel where he started to get really good. He didn’t stop making jokes though, because you do need to add a little bit of humor to keep up the upbeat tone.

He started going into more detail on why the film works, or what it does right despite it’s quality. He’s also now doing more movies that he personally wants to do to show why he likes them so much, be it an already liked movie or a lesser known ones like Sunshine.

He does a great job at defending certain movies, or certain moments, even if he too has an issue with them sometimes. There’s a fair bit of this in the DCEU Win videos.

In his videos he goes through the movie as you’d expect but once he gets the end, he does a wrap up section where he talks more broadly about the movie and gets more analytical.

This is where he really shines and sometimes when I re-watch his videos I skip to these parts because they’re that good. He’s proven to be a pretty solid critic, as well as being generally entertaining.

I also feel he’s realistically optimistic. He’s positive of course, but he’s willingly to admit that certain movies aren’t for everyone or point out problems with some. He’s even had to take off wins sometimes.

So he’s not just blindly positive.

Overall, Cinema Wins really is a beacon light in a sea of online negativity. He does a good job of showing us the good in even the worst movies and explaining why the movies he covers are great.

He’s pretty refreshing and pretty awesome.



If you’ve been following me long enough, you saw this one coming. I imitated him during Elseworlds month, I’ve referenced him and I go tot help write a video of his.

That’s still pretty crazy.

So yeah, I like him quite a bit. But even taking the being sort of friends with him thing aside, I do think he’s pretty good. He has a few different shows, most of which function the same way but show off a decent variety.

There’s Film Exaggeration, where he looks at certain movies to see if they are as good or bad as people say. NDTV looks at direct to video movies, Norty’s Forgotten Flicks covers movie he finds underrated, Peeking at the pilots covers pilot episodes of shows he hasn’t seen before and there’s Kids are Smart than This, which looks at bad episodes of otherwise good family shows.

He has all the good qualities of the others on this list. He’s funny and has some solid critiquing skills. There’s not a lot to say there, but he has proven to be pretty solid on both fronts.

I do like the variety he has. It’s mostly movies and TV, but the goals of each show are different and provides variety in the types of movies and TV Episodes.

Plus, there’s Pop Riffs and Norty Defends, where he defends movies he likes from certain reviewers. That one is semi retired though. That one did show he’s good at respecting opinions even if he heavily disagrees.

I think one of the main reason I like Norty is that he does remind me of myself, in a good way. He covers similar subjects and mostly has similar tastes. I mean, the 2nd KASTT was on a Disney Sitcom episode!

Like a lost of smaller YouTubers, he’s not crazy bit in terms of production values or anything like that so he feels very real. Not saying big ones aren’t, but he’s got that small time charm that I of course can also relate to.

I suppose that’s why he hit off decently well.

His tastes are also like mine in the sense that he’s fairly easy on certain things in general but does bash bad things when they deserve it. And he likes certain things most people don’t, and in some cases even more than me.

But taking all that aside, I just find him pretty enjoyable. He’s got some decent humor (that PERFECT FAMILY ENTERAINMENT PIC comes from him) and like so many others, is a decent critic.

Kids are Smarter than This for example has grown to show he has various reason for disliking these episodes outside of just being “Mean spirited”.

Side note I couldn’t fit anywhere else, his Top 10 Movies of 2015 movie is one of his best simply for his reasoning for his number. I liked him before but that bit in the video really put him over the top for me.

He may not as fancy as some of the others on here but he’s proven himself to be pretty solid as a reviewer. He was actually one of the people I thought of for this list , even back when I got the idea way back when.

…So yeah, he may not be one of the most popular (I somehow have more YT subs) or fancy reviewers but has a solid variety and is just pretty enjoyable overall.


I plan to do another one of these next year so you think I wouldn’t have an Honorable Mentions section. But I am reserving this for reviewers I like that are too popular to make it here. As in, the really big ones that I still feel deserve a mention. So..

Atop the 4th Wall: During the Channel Awesome stuff, one common thing is that Lewis is quite the good guy and that really made me respect him more. Plus, his storylines are better than his imitators.

Brad Jones/The Cinema Snob: Even though he’s still with CA, he’s still really cool and enjoyable. His humor is so good I envy it and his Midnight Screenings videos are just enjoyable as the Snob videos.

I Hate Everything: You wouldn’t expecting someone with that name to actually be pretty smart and reasonable but he is. He’s critical but I like him more than most reviewers like that and he’s got great editing too.

Angry Video Game Nerd/James Rolfe: It’s crazy how good he even after all this time. Despite one dumb incident, he is really respectable and funny.

Double Toasted: I’ve been following them since their Spill.com days. They’re just simply a group of solid people who are really funny and enjoyable, even when I disagree.

And with that out-of-the-way, the last reviewer we’ll be talking about is…

Mr. Coat:


When I came up with this list back in 2014, it was ranked in a sort of order with number one being my favorite of the ones I was covering. Mr. Coat was number one back then and yeah, if this was ranked it would still be the case.

Stefan Ellison, aka Mr. Coat started about 10 years ago, making him one of the older reviewers on here. Despite that, he’s not quite as well-known as some of them which is a shame.

He does have a CA style site which features people like Some Jerk with a Camera and Pan Pizza so he has some good friends at least.

His early work was pretty rough, as he goes into in his semi recent 10 year look back video. He was using popular trends at the time and he had a bit of nostalgia bias.

But eventually he got a voice of his own and became a lot more fair. His videos are a mix but they’re mostly about movies, with talk of other subjects like TV, and food. Yes, really.

He doesn’t have an exact format per say, he just talks about what he wants to talk about. You’ve got tributes to certain shows, retrospectives on a Filmmakers work and Character Profiles, as well as top 10 lists of course.

His videos are simpler than most who have lasted this long, but it’s part of his charm. He’s not super flashy but his editing if fine and he has gotten better over the time.

But it’s criticizing and general attitude that makes him good. He’s actually become an actual accredited film reviewer, which is fairly rare for someone like him.

And he’s earned it as he does a job of explaining why he feels the way he does. He can praise or pan a film really well, and can articulate himself better than most. Sometimes I like his written reviews more than his videos, but those are still good.

As for his attitude, he has a more positive outlook than some others like him. He will say when something is bad, but even then he knows a lot of work goes into things and will attempt to say something positive. Or at least he won’t call himself the worst thing ever.

He did a whole video about some reviewers like using hyperbole and why he’s not into that. Again, he strongly dislikes plenty of movies, even some others like, so he’s not just blindly positive all the time.

He just knows where the line is and prefers to be positive. I’ve generally been easier on most things but recently his shift in attitude has had a positive influence on me.

He was actually one of main inspiration at the very start. I said this back in the R.A.Q, but he’s the reason I do “A Look at Posts” and the like. He showed me you can di other types of things aside from scene by scene reviews or top lists.

And recently he is what caused me to want to focus a bit more on the positive, and go easier on media. I’ve always tried to do that but I’ve been focusing on it more due to him and a few other more positive people on here like Cinema Wins.

It seems like recently people have been fighting to be more positive in places due to that situation of angry critics we got, as well as of the problems of certain ones still around.

And that’s why I like him. He’s a genuinely smart critic that knows when to go easy on something and is another example of someone who is a beacon of positivity, which we really need nowadays.

He gets the top spot here because I really like him as a person and a critic, and not just an entertainer. There are some that are a bit flashier but Mr. Coat still ends up striking a chord for me that I quite like.

Plus, I’ve interacted with him over on Twitter and can further confirm he’s cool. Overall, Mr Coat proves sometimes substance is more important than style when it comes to reviewers. A perfect combo is nice but that can be hard to strike.

…So yeah, I like him a fair bit and all this is why I saved him for last.

And those were 10 (+) reviewers I like. I hope I proved that there actually quite a few online reviewers worth your time. People who can both entertain you and give out solid critiques.

Chances are at least one of these people will be to your liking. With all the crap that goes on sometimes, I think all of those people give me hope as they show there’s plenty of great people out there despite some of the more problematic figures.

I’m not saying all of these reviewers are perfect all the time but they generally hit more than they miss. I think online content can be just impactful as movies or TV, as people can inspire you, hopefully usually for the better.

That sounds corny, but it has been true for me. But enough corniness, these guys are still awesome no matter what cheesy reasons I have for enjoying them.

Hopefully I have given you all some new people to check it out, or at least showed that some content creators out there do at least try to be good. I like exposing the bad aspects of some people as much as anyone but I feel like we should also build up the people like it too, which I’ve done plenty of here.

I’ll be doing this next year, as there’s some cool people I sadly had to cut. I plan to maybe include some bloggers and podcasters too. The only reason one didn’t make it as I felt certain people on here were more important,

You can expect less cheesy speeches next time too, so get hyped. I’ve pretty much ran out of things to say so…yeah, good reviewers exist and I think all of these prove that. Also, tell some of the reviewers you like, mostly lesser known ones as they could always use the exposure.

See ya.

About Spongey444

I'm 25 and I mostly spend my time watching TV and movies, hence why I ended doing a blog all about those things. I tend to have weird tastes, but I like think I'm just fair on things. Actually nah, I have bad tastes.
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